Hello from Thailand – Out of office – Travel Blog

Hello friends!

We will be out of the office for a little over two weeks.  If you try to reach me, most likely I will get back to you once I get back.  I do have limited Internet access so if I will try to respond back if I can.

A travel diary is something I have never done.  My husband and I love to travel but I never really wrote down our experiences thinking I will always remember them.  I do, but after visiting so many places the names of certain locations have now gotten mixed up.  Lots of our friends are excited (like us) that we are in Thailand so I will keep them posted by this media.  But at the same time I will like to write about our experiences for everybody as well as for myself.

Our flight departed late Thursday night off of LAX.  We were on a far wing of the airport.  The ones that require you to get in a long bus that drives you to another location to get to your plane.  I remember doing this when we went to Tahiti.  I was seriously nervous for this especific flight.  My friends got to hear my fears lol.  I am glad to say we had a wonderful experience.  Korean Air is one airline I will gladly travel again on for long flights.  There was ample leg space, that means a lot for my husband, who usually is very uncomfortable in flights.  They gave us many warm towels to freshen up and juice every few hours. They also gave us some slippers which was great and each chair had their own entertainment which with such a long flight is necessary.

This 13 hour flight landed in South Korea where we took another 6 hour flight to Thailand.

Our first experience in Thailand was the slap in the face we got with the heat. It’s HOT and humid!  Not a good idea to be wearing skinny jeans in Bangkok.  We got a nice hotel in Bangkok, The Pullman on Silom Road, a business district.  Once we checked in we went out for real food.  Thailand is famous for street food so we first looked for that. To be honest, none looked too appetizing. Maybe because of the location? We walked a few blocks and found a place with A/C!!!  We had some green curry and pad thai. Food was spicy, way too spicy, and I can eat spicy.  Then we headed back to our room for what was supposed to be a little nap that turned into a full afternoon of sleep.  Definitely jet lagged.  We are excited to take a real look at Bangkok tomorrow!




2 responses to “Hello from Thailand – Out of office – Travel Blog”

  1. Raquel Ariaz says:

    Good for you for taking trips that will probably not happen for most of us…..we will see Thailand thru your eyes & lense……..
    Be safe & have a great time!

    P.S. try to find a KH!!

    • Linda says:

      So excited for you guys keep posting! Have lots of fun n be safe 🙂
      *bring me back a magnet lol not kidding lol

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